Add new respondent email to contact and sent a unique link | XM Community
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I just switched to qualtric from another product. There is a feature that my user hopes to replicate in qualtric but it is quite a challenge for me. It is the "Save and continue later" feature via anonymized link.
My idea sounds cumbersome but please feel free to share if you have better idea for me.
The workaround is : I plan to ask respondents to provide me their email addresses via an anonymized link.
There after, for every email address submitted, i hope it can be automatically added into a contact list, after which the respondent will be able to receive a unique link to my survey automatically. The reason why i want to provide these respondents with a unique link is because i want to give them a "save and continue later" option.
Unfortunately, save and continue later option in qualtric is not really something i can consider using it with anonymized link on a common device since it is using cookies. In my previous application, should a respondent wish to save and continue later, he can click on save and continue button , provide an email address and that's it.
I hope to find a similar workaround in Qualtric please.
Thank you

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