And/Or order of operations in display logic | XM Community
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Hoping someone can tell me if this display logic will do what I’m trying to do. Context: Participants select tv shows they’ve seen, and will be shown random clips from shows they haven’t seen. Participants may be autistic, maybe-autistic, or not-autistic/unfamiliar (they didn’t know what autism means). I’ve set up three quotas for each video clip, on for autistic, one for maybe, and one for non-autistic (unfamiliar is lumped in with the nos). In the flow of the survey, once we know which shows they haven’t seen, those are associated with video clips that are availble, and then we do random selection from various categories to come up with the assigned clip list. 

I can do three branches in the selection flow so that autistic, maybe, and not-autistic each get their own selection questions with display logic for video clips based on previous exposure to show and space in that quota. Or, could I do one selection flow and dump all three quotas into display logic? This is where I’m second-guessing the and/or order of operations. 

In this image, my goal would be to display the Celia-1 clip if A) the participant hadn’t seen the show Sex Education (where the clip comes from), and 😎 any of the following are true:

  • B: participant is autistic and there’s room in the autistic quota for this clip
  • C: participant is maybe-autistic and there’s room in the maybe-autistic quota for this clip 
  • D: participant is not autistic and there’s room in the not-autistic quota for this clip
  • E: participant is unfamiliar with autism and there’s room in the not-autistic quota for this clip

Is this what I have set up in the image: (IA is true] AND B OR C OR D OR E is true])

Or would the image be read as: ( A and B are both true] OR :C is true] OR eD is true] OR E is true])?

Any confirmation on which way this would be read, and/or any advice on how to simplify this, greatly appreciated. Thanks!

@jinx It’s (sA and B are both true] OR C is true] OR D is true] OR E is true]). Just imagine the OR set will stay independent & the AND set only include the one next to it.

Thank you, @dxconnamnguyen, that’s what I was afraid of. Three versions with manually-set two factor display logic for 220 clips each. 

(I don’t suppose there’s an easier way to do this with javascript?)

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