Anonymization of open questions | XM Community
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Hi all,
we uploaded some name lists as json files in the data policy section of the adim tab. We want to make sure that no personal reference can be made in the survey responses. Unfortunately, the survey taking experience is quite bad due to long loading times of the survey pages. We assume that this is caused by an overload of lists/words (the list that are enabled for the survey contain about 500k words).
Has anyone ever experienced something similar and is there any possibility to reduce loading times by having so many flagged words or would the best soultion be to reduce the number of words in these lists?
Thanks for your help! 

Kind regards,

Good morning from a sunny Sweden!
Are you trying to have certain words trigger a message saying "no personal references please" or what is the intended functionality you're after?
I'm just thinking if the root cause is that you don't want your reports containing potential personal references (what ever that actually means in this case), perhaps you could add flags in text Iq and have the responses flagged after they've been submitted?

But some additional understanding would be helpful, from my perspective at least. :)
Best regards

Hello Mattias,
thank you for your fast reply!
We would like to prevent the names of employees from being displayed in the evaluations. 
With the help of the sensitive data policy, we can set that names are displayed in the following format as soon as they are entered by a participant: ***** Thus, no conclusions can be drawn about what the participant had typed.
Since the list of these names that can potentially be flagged is very long, and responses are always checked by the system immediately after they are entered, it takes a very long time to continue with the survey after a text response.
I hope this explanation helps to clarify :)
Best regards,

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