anonymously track responses over a year | XM Community
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I am conducting a study where I want to anonymously follow students over an entire school year.I want to do this by doing 4 surveys with the class.I do not need any personal details of the respondent, I just want to link the survey that 1 person completes to the other 3 surveys that the same person completes and then compare this. The respondents are children and therefore cannot remember a unique code. The survey is also conducted via a general QR code or general link. This cannot be changed. Is there a way to do this in Qualtrics?

This will most likely not be possible using the default features available in Qualtrics.

If you are interested in exploring a paid alternate solution, please drop me a message. I have implemented several such anonymous longitudinal studies. 

@ahmedA Thank you for your answer.  We can only work with Qualtrics.

In that case you’ll need to ask them for some specific details. Maybe create a set of 5-6 generic profile questions like what colour is your hair, which is your favourite animal, which city/street were you born etc. which you could use to track them over time.

Yes, we are doining that already now. I was just hoping there was a function in Qualtrics for it. 

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