Hi everyone!
For my survey I have to provide participants with username and password that they have to use in a subsequent survey they'll be redirected to (on an external software). I have an excel file with usernames and passwords (see example below): I'd like participants to be randomly assigned to one of this credentials (without repetition of course).
In order to do so I created a multiple choice question with the numbers 1-20 set as the choice values, I used advanced randomisation to select a random subset of 1 value from all options and to used the "Evenly Present" option to ensure that Qualtrics does not reuse numbers. Then I uses JS to hide the question from view -:
Afterwards I coupled it with embedded data, which i then branched with an authenticator with contact list (the excel file).
However, when i try to show participants their usernames and values nothing shows up in the preview (see screenshots).
Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?