Assigning Likert questions to categories | XM Community
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I’m creating a 9 question Likert survey. I want to group the respondents answers into two categories with separate scores, as well as an overall score. For example, questions 1-5 ask  about respondents attitudes - they can score 5-25 on attitudes. Then questions 6-9 are about respondents emotions - then can score 4-20 on emotions. I want subtotals for both emotions and attitudes AND a grand total overall score (with a minimum score of 9 and a maximum of 45). I’m a newbie to Qualtrics, and would appreciate any guidance! I’ve set up the two categories, but how do I tell Qualtrics WHICH question gets assigned to which category?

Create a scoring category for each of the 2 categories. Only assign scores to the applicable questions options in each category.

Thanks, @Deepak for the reply! Yes, I’ve created a scoring category for the 2 categories. But HOW do I assign scores to the question options? (That SHOULD be the easy part, right? But I can’t seem to find the specifics).

This support page should help!
Scoring (

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