Assistance needed on feasibility of creating a complex personality quiz with variable outcomes. | XM Community
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Question. could someone walk me through how i can created a short 7 question personality quiz which would them provide variable scores for a list of 31 items in 7 categories, and then the highest item for each category would be suggested to the quiz taker.

Q1: do you like fruits which are (single select): a. Sweet b. Juicy c. Crunchy
Q2: do you like fruits which are (single select): a. Cheap b. Economical c. Expensive
Below are 2 examples of a blank table of attributed points for each item and the 2nd table shows a scenarios where someone chooses Q1a & Q2c. that Fruit B and Dish H would be suggested to them.
Does anyone have any suggested ways to program this into a survey.
also keeping in mind the points tables might be tweaked from time to time to optimise the relevance based off learnings.

You should create scoring categories for Fruit A, Fruit B, Fruit C, Dish F, Dish G, and Dish H and assign respective scores to each selected option. At the end of the survey, you will have scores for each fruit/dish which can be compared using branch logic.
Scoring -
It is important that you store the scores in embedded fields in your survey flow because when you tweak the scores later on, it will update the scoring for all responses. Storing the final scores in embedded fields will prevent this behavior.

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