I’m trying to make a multiple choice question for children that would simulate an adult reading them every answer.
They have a picture and four answer options, so I want to add four different coloured speaker buttons around the picture where they can hear the answers. Clicking on the speaker buttons should not go to the play function nor should they have to do anything other than click on the other colour speaker button to hear the next one.
Then after they have played all four they will see a new set of four of the same colour buttons and press the one they think is right.
Then finally they press a tick (check mark) image to go to the next question.
I have read these two questions but I am an html and js novice and don’t really get how to adapt these to my own images, which are in my Qualtrics library.
When I try adding hidden = “true” to the audio code, it hides the image too (this question)
This question gives you writing instead of an image to press to hear the audio
A lot of the related questions want to autoplay the sound which I don’t want.