Authenticator in different Languages | XM Community
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Hello everybody!
I hope this question wasn't answered before, but I have searched for quite some time and haven't found an answer yet.
I am wondering if the authenticator can also be translated in several version, since you are only able to upload one text file and one label for the authentication field.
I would be very happy if anyone has any advice.
Thank you!

To translate a field label you can use the 'Optional Label...' and pipe text from a translated question into it. The other text in the authenticator can be translated using library messages. you so much for the Answer!
I figured out how to translate the library message, but I am having trouble with the field label.
I am looking to provide the survey in four different languages, but the "Optional Label" can only deliver me one translation. Could you please maybe elaborate a bit more on this? are the steps:

  1. Create a new block for translations

  2. Add an MC question to the block . Make the first choice the 'Optional Label' in the default language.

  3. Translate the MC question

  4. Pipe the first choice into your MC question text and copy the pipe (it will be something like ${q://QIDx/ChoiceDescription/1})

  5. In the survey flow, put the translations block under a branch with a false condition. I like to move the block near the beginning of the survey flow.

  6. Paste the pipe (from 4 above) into the Authenticator Optional Label field so much, after a little tweaking I finally got it working!

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