Auto display rows in tables | XM Community
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I would like to ask if there is a way to auto display the number of rows in the table based on the user selection from dropdown in the previous question.( Example. User select 20 rows, 20 rows would then display in the next question)?

It looks like you may have already set it up this way, but you can use Display Logic in each row of the Matrix question that is based off the selection to the drop-down question. You might have to insert a page break between the two questions to make it work like that, however.

Yes, i did that 1 by 1 but what if I got more than 30 rows, which just seems to be manually selecting 1 by 1 to add in the display logic. Is there any other ways rather than manually selecting and adding the logic?

That is the only way I'm aware of to do that with the built-in options in Qualtrics.
You might consider changing the first question to a numeric entry field, which would simplify the conditions you would have to set up in the ensuing Display Logic. Each row would just have a single condition "If Q1 is Less Than or Equal to #", rather than a series of AND conditions.

Thanks a lot for your help, I will try to figure something else out!

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