Auto-Hide Hidden Questions in Preview Mode | XM Community
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Is there any way to set preview mode to automatically hide hidden questions (such as timing and metadata capture questions)? I know there is a toggle to hide these questions when running a preview session, but it always defaults to showing them and never saves your previous setting. While this is annoying when demoing a survey and needing to quickly toggle the setting, I think this is worse when sending out testing links to business users/testers that are likely confused by these hidden questions. It also may not be clear to them that there is a toggle to switch them off.

While I don’t think there is any way to change the default behavior, maybe someone knows of a hidden URL parameter we could add to the preview link so that when sharing the links with other users, it defaults to hiding these questions?

@jake_dufinetz - You can add a Custom CSS rule:

.Skin .QuestionOuter.Meta, .Skin .QuestionOuter.Timing { display:none; }


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