Auto numbering randomized questions: how to make sure that Qnumbers are displayed in ascending order | XM Community
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Within a block I present 30 questions in a randomized order. I would like to use Auto numbering, to ensure that for each question an ascending number is displayed in the survey.
Is there a way to make sure that the question numbers are changed - in line with the randomized order in which they are displayed?
Thank you very much in advance!

Hi Boontje Please refer to the below link to auto number the questions:

Hi Aanurag_QC, thank you for your quick response. And sorry, I think I didn't formulate my question correctly. This auto numbering function doesn't reorder the numbers when you randomize the questions.
I am wondering if there is a way to ensure the questions (30 in a block, randomized) are preceded with ascending numbers.

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