Automatic Daily Reminders | XM Community

Automatic Daily Reminders

  • 5 January 2023
  • 2 replies


Does anyone know if there's a way to schedule ahead daily reminders (to avoid sending reminders manually every day)?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +37

If you're using an automation to create/import your contact list, you can also automate distributions and reminders, but there may be a logical limit on how many reminders that process will send. (So, if you're envisioning

  • Load List [import automation]

  • Distribute survey [distribution automation] and then

  • Send reminder next day [optional part of the distribution automation, above]

This is possible via automation processes in XM Directory.
(Or via API, but I can't give you instructions on how to do it via API, just to tell you that is would be possible).

If you're envisioning a daily reminder to the same list every day, for days on end, I can't directly help but again I would *imagine* there would also be a way to do this via the API.
(But I hope that isn't what you were envisioning and if you were, I would strongly recommend against it in that case, because OMG will your recipients ever hate you, and you'll trade responses today for literally any response at all in future. I have more than once had an internal client who thought this was a good idea and I had to remind them: Think how much YOU would enjoy getting emails about a survey - or literally anything - every single day, and how quickly you would think about unsubscribing or marking the sender as spam in that case, and then think about how many people you WONT reach next time because of it.)


Thank you very much Carol!

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