Best practices for incomplete responses and link checkers | XM Community
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Seems to be a common problem now that email servers have link checkers so employees aren't clicking or opening malicious items.
We are encountering the scenario that customers who have this security feature in some cases are not able to complete the survey unless they do it within the "Record Incomplete Responses" window we have set. Currently 24 hours.
We send a reminder one week later, but alas it's the same issue. They are unable to use the link because their invitation was opened by their security program and marked as an incomplete response.
Other than asking our customers to whitelist our distribution address, does anyone have any tips to mitigate this?

Hi ColbyA ,
If you haven't already, try enabling the Security Scan Monitor setting in the Survey Options.
image.png silly for looking over this feature. Thanks MatthewM I'll give it a shot this round! did it go?
We've just had a lot of issues with this and I'm only now learning about this feature. Would be nice to know if it solved things for you.
Best regards
-Mattias works for its intended purpose, however it does not really work in our situation. We opt to record incomplete responses after a certain time and turning on this feature blocks us from doing that because it doesn't discern a single click between a person or spam check.
Unfortunately I've also reached out to support about this issue and there isn't a canned solution that fits our distribution method. The only feasible solution is asking the recipient to whitelist our company domain for emails, which on some cases we have done.

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