Best Practices when composing and sending out "Follow up" emails to remind respondents | XM Community
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This is question is actuially has two components:
First, what are best practices with regards to sending out follow up notifcation emails for respondents to complete and/or start sureveys sent to them? What is considered acceptable wording here etc. with regards to tone, professional or informal? What is the best cadence with regards to improving survey completion rates?

Two, does Qualtrics distinguish between respondents who have "started the survey but not completed" and respondents who have "not begun the survey at all" with these follow up email notifications? Or is this something that we have to bucket?Thank you all in advance, appreciate the community and feedback here.


Based on my experience companies use Reminder in their subject line ex: Reminder: Please complete your feedback, while leaving the body as it is just to give a subtle nudge that this is a reminder email.
For point no.2, Qualtrics does distinguish between started but not completed and respondents who have not completed the survey at all. Reminders go in both categories, however, based on the incomplete response setup you have in the survey build, after a certain number of days, the response will be marked as completed and closed or deleted based on the option selected.

To your first question, a lot of this depends on the type of study you're conducting and who your surveying. But as a general starting point, you could look at this video in the Qualtrics Basecamp:

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