Block is not triggering as "complete" in the table of contents | XM Community
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Hi, in my survey, "Part 3: Practice a New Skill" never triggers as complete in the table of contents. This problem started when we introduced a branching path with display logic, so is Qualtrics registering it as "incomplete" because the other option never ends up getting displayed?
One option for the branching path makes it display 97%, but I choose the other then its 83%.
Another weird thing that happens is if I click one of the branching path options, then click back on "Part 3" in the table of contents to go back to that section, it goes to the Table of Contents page that is not supposed to be shown.
Let me know if you have any ideas on a fix.


Hi korychi,
Have you added an "End of Survey" block(s) in your Survey Flow? You should be able to point both branches to this, which should hopefully result in 100% progress.
Good luck!

Thank you for your help! We do not use any "end of survey" blocks. I tried adding one, but it didn't seem to fix the problem... any other ideas, or how specifically I should integrated that? I have a screen shot on how I tried to add it in. The "Part 3" block is the one that won't display as complete.

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