Branch if embedded data field is not unique | XM Community
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Hi team. I'm wondering if there's a way to check existing survey responses to determine whether an embedded data value has been used previously, either by the same respondent or a different respondent.
Essentially, could I ask a respondent to enter a unique username and then check to see if the username is already taken?
If not, could I ask them to enter their email address and then branch depending on whether or not that email address is already in a particular directory list?
Struggling to come up with the right search terms to locate an answer for this. Thanks for your help!

For anyone interested:
After a lot of swearing I finally figured out that I could add an authentication branch and actually continue the survey if authentication failed. Every tutorial I found suggested that authentication only worked if the contact was already present in the contact list, but with a few changes to the default wording ("welcome, you must be new here!" instead of "ERROR: AUTHENTICATION FAILED!!!") I was able to ask the respondent to enter their email address and create branches to proceed regardless of whether the contact existed in the directory or not. The only catch I found was that I couldn't capture the email address from the authentication field, so I had to ask them to enter it again as the first survey question ("please confirm your email address") in order to create the directory entry on survey completion.
In each case the End of Survey link redirects to an external url with xid as a parameter.

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