Bring forward answer choices | XM Community
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I'm having two issues, both stemming from the idea of bringing forward answer choices to next questions.

  1. Participants are asked to enter in a list of items. For the next question, they will see a table in which their answers from the previous questions are the headings of columns, and on the rows are categories. They are asked to categorize the items from their previous responses. So it needs to be the amount of columns = answers they gave, and the text needs to auto populate from their answer.

  2. Participants are asked to enter in a list of items. Then there are 5 questions that are asked per item. So if they enter items A, B and C, it will be 5 questions that ask specifically about A (I want it to be entered in the question text, such as "What do you like about [item A]?) and then the 5 questions need to repeat for B and C in the same way.

Sounds good.
For #1 - you should be able to do it (there are limits to Carry Forward), but you could just do it "by hand" also. use display logic on the matrix header fields based on "not empty"
On #2 you can use the Loop and Merge for it. OR (these seems cumbersome but it's actually very clean) you can create 5 blocks of five questions each, but again use display logic to only show them if A-E has something in it (not empty). Happy to explain...

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