Bug encountered when creating a multiple choice question | XM Community
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screenshotqualtrics.pngMy colleague and I have recently been repeatedly encountering this glitch while trying to edit multiple choice questions in a survey. This is after the question was originally created, we go back to add or edit a choice and every time you click one of the response options, it pops up the edit box (as shown in the screenshot) and it won't go away. So if you click on one and then another, you end up with two -- and on and on, as shown with four at once in the image. It also doesn't actually accept any changes you make if you edit in the box.
This occurs for me (survey owner) and an external collaborator, and in multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, even Edge). I also tried a ctrl-f5 in Chrome. We were able to work around it by copying a multiple choice question from elsewhere in the survey and editing that one instead, but wanted to let you know because it's a pretty big pain.

Thanks for sharing this with the Community. I would suggest also bringing this to the attention of Qualtrics Support so they are aware of it and can look into it.

Thanks, I didn't realize they didn't use the forum. I wasn't sure I should email since it's not urgent with the workaround, but I will now.

I had the exact same issue and unfortunately the workaround didn't work. Calling Qualtrics support revealed that the issue was caused by a question being in "html view" in my "trash can" of questions deleted from the survey. (For new users: the trash can may be found at the bottom of the survey.) Emptying the trash can fully resolved the issue. Hoping this may be of use.

Thank you so much e104 for being thoughtful and looping back to provide an explanation! We truly appreciate it and it'll be helpful for other users 🙂

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