Bulk Retake as New Response | XM Community
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I conduct both a monthly and semi-annual survey of ~100 participants. The survey is quite extensive (>~250 Questions). Our process is to send a retake as new response link to each participant so they can go through the survey, make any changes and resubmit. The expected outcome from this process is:

  1. Each respondent has a survey response per survey period (not just overwriting their previous response

  2. Each respondent receives their previous response in order to speed the process for completing the survey.

My question is this: Is there a way through either the standard email distribution channel or through workflows to automate the process? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Yes, you can do the following steps:

  1. Build the survey retake link within survey flow and post response add that link within XMD.

  2. Create a message in library use the link embedded data as survey link

  3. Create an Automation within XMD and pull that message you created.

  4. You can do it monthly OOTB but semianually you will have to create separate automation include start date of automation there.

Hope it helps!

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