I want to divide my participants into two groups based on their scores on 10 statements on a 10-Point Likert scale. Consequently, I have created two branches to evenly divide the one group (with mean of 0 to 5) and the other group (with mean of 5.01 to 10).
I created an embedded data field in my survey flow (also already tried with the data codes in one block):
And added this code to de Javascript of the matrix:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit(function(type) {
// Retrieve values from embedded data fields and parse them as floats
var selAnsw1 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw1}");
var selAnsw2 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw2}");
var selAnsw3 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw3}");
var selAnsw4 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw4}");
var selAnsw5 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw5}");
var selAnsw6 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw6}");
var selAnsw7 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw7}");
var selAnsw8 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw8}");
var selAnsw9 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw9}");
var selAnsw10 = parseFloat("${e://Field/SelAnsw10}");
console.log("SelAnsw1: " + selAnsw1);
console.log("SelAnsw2: " + selAnsw2);
console.log("SelAnsw3: " + selAnsw3);
console.log("SelAnsw4: " + selAnsw4);
console.log("SelAnsw5: " + selAnsw5);
console.log("SelAnsw6: " + selAnsw6);
console.log("SelAnsw7: " + selAnsw7);
console.log("SelAnsw8: " + selAnsw8);
console.log("SelAnsw9: " + selAnsw9);
console.log("SelAnsw10: " + selAnsw10);
// Calculate the sum of the answers
var sum = selAnsw1 + selAnsw2 + selAnsw3 + selAnsw4 + selAnsw5 + selAnsw6 + selAnsw7 + selAnsw8 + selAnsw9 + selAnsw10;
// Calculate the mean score
var meanScore = sum / 10;
// Log the values for debugging purposes
console.log("Sum: " + sum);
console.log("Mean Score: " + meanScore);
// Set the Embedded Data field with the calculated mean score
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("MeanScore", meanScore.toFixed(2)); // Optionally round to 2 decimal places
However, when I test my survey and get my output to SPSS, the meanScore is not calculated, but just fills out the code. For example: “(3 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 5) / 10” instead of actually calculating the mean.
Does anyone know what the problem is?