Calculating individual completion percents for each survey response. | XM Community
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I am currently working on a project where part of our data analysis involves only accepting responses that have completed 90% or more of our survey. Is there any way to set something like this up? Fairly new to qualtrics, so any ideas or suggestions are incredibly appreciated. Thanks!

You could use the built-in "Progress" field. However, that might not be completely accurate depending on your branch logic and survey structure.
Another way would be to add an embedded data field in the survey flow. It could be a true/false flag when the respondent reach a certain point in the survey. It could be a counter that you increment each time a question is answered. You could also use scoring in the survey options. All that depends on what you want to record exactly and what counts as a valid completed question (are the questions mandatory or not, does a seen but skipped question count, etc.)

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