Calling "Q_Language" something else in Survey Flow | XM Community
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Hello all
Insanity is creeping closer because I just.can't.solve.this.issue! GAH!
We have a system that have it's own labels and values in it. We will now send a survey invite email containing the survey link from said system.
The survey link will contain data around the individual along with some core data, language being one of them. But the Language field in said system is called "Lang" so when clicking on the link I can see the survey link display "Lang=[Qualtrics language code]".
Now the question: How can I set the Survey Flow so that Qualtrics understands that it should showcase the language based on this "Lang" definition?

Thanks for listening 🙂

I guess I don't fully follow the question, but it is too late set the language in the flow it needs to be set upon launch via the query string. For example, surveylink/?Q_Language=DA.

Yeah that's what I'm trying to solve. How can i get it to work if the string reads only "Lang" ? Can't i set that up in the survey flow?
Feels like I should be able to say: '"Lang" means "Q_Language" so treat it as such.'

Nope, it's too late if you are trying to change it in the survey logic. It needs to past via the url as Q_Language. What you are asking needs be done before you launch the survey url.

I have the same problem: the software that I'm using for the conjoint part (sawtooth) does not allow pass-in fields with "_". So I cannot use "Q_language" as variable in the survey link. But I need to get respondents redirected to Qualtrics and based on the variable, the respective survey language should be displayed.
Is there a way to adapt the "Q_language" variable in qualtrics, e.g. to "Qlanguage" or is it a fixed name?
Other options would be I program different surveys for each language and have different survey links, but would prefer the first option.
Thanks! Laura have gotten some success with just using "Language". you, good to know! In my case I could successfully "overwrite" the language variable in the redirect link from Sawtooth back to Qualtrics - for everyone with the same problem I used: &Q_Language=[%Value(lang)%]

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