Can I create skip logic based on the answers to two questions instead of just one? | XM Community
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I'm building a survey that includes hybrid fraud detection/attention check questions towards the end. These will basically be restating our three eligibility questions asked at the beginning of the survey, but with slightly different wording.
If the respondent is eligible, they will be automatically redirected to an online grocery store to complete a shopping task. Since we won't be analyzing the Qualtrics data before they complete the shopping task, we need to be able to automatically catch responses to the fraud detection/attention check questions that don't match the responses to the original eligibility questions.
For example, the original eligibility question asks "In what state do you currently live?" and there is a drop down with US states. The fraud detection/attention check question asks "Where do you currently live?" with a drop down listing the US states. In order for the respondent to move forward, they would need to have the same answer to both questions.
Is there a way to force exit a respondent based on the answers to two questions? From what I can see, I can only set skip logic for a single question and not two questions at once.

I suggest you perform this check in Survey Flow where you'd be able to create a branch and compare these values. You may need to created embedded data fields and assign the answers from each question to those fields first, and then use those fields in the branch logic.

Thank you! That was very helpful. I didn't end up having to create embedded data fields, the branching logic worked fine.
Do you know if it's possible to set it so a respondent is eligible if they pass 2 out of 3 of the fraud/attention check questions? If so, how would I do this?

You can create a counter embedded data field and add one to it each time you compare the variables. Then use that counter in branch logic.

Thank you, again, for your response. I've played around with embedded data and branching logic and I think this could work. However, I'm unsure how to count the embedded data. I created a "Failed Fraud/Attention Check" embedded data field. Then I set this embedded data field for each fraud/attention check question and assigned each a value of 1. At the end of the survey, I added branching logic to force exit any respondent if Failed Fraud/Attention Check is greater than 2. When I preview the survey and give mismatching answers to three of the fraud/attention check questions, I still complete the survey successfully. I assume there's something additional I need to do to make sure that the 1's for each Failed Fraud/Attention Check are being added up, but I'm unsure how to do this. Can you explain? Thank you!

Here is an example.
Field 1 = question 1 answer
Field 2 = question 2 answer
Field 3 = question 3 answer
Counter = 0
If Field 1 = Field 2, counter = 1
If Field 2 = Field 3, counter = counter + 1
If Field 1 = Field 3, counter = counter + 1
If Counter >=2, pass

I'm not following. Can you explain this in layman's terms?

I outlined the survey flow for you. Section in purple is where you'll set all your embedded data fields. You said you assigned each a value of 1 in your prior message, but the counter at that time before you do any comparisons should be set to zero. Then in green section, you will have three branches where you compare two of the embedded data fields and if they're equal, then you are increasing the counter by 1. So if all 3 fail, you will still be at Counter = 0. Play around with counter values though, I think I'm undercounting in what I have below. But that's the jist of what you are trying to get to.


Do I add an embedded data field for each question that I want to compare? So for example, the eligibility question is "How old are you?" and the matching fraud/attention check question is "What is your age?" So I would add one embedded data field for "How old are you?" and one for "What is your age?" and the value for both would be 0.
Then the branching logic would be [If question "How old are you" 18 is selected and question "What is your age?" 18 is not selected]. Is that correct?
It still seems like there's something missing from this, though. I don't think I'm actually adding a counter, but I don't see a way to do that.
Thank you for your help. My skills with embedded data are rudimentary at best, so I appreciate you taking the time.

Ok, I went ahead and created a survey flow for you. The 3 questions are in the first block, followed by several branches to account for all situations. I tested, and the counter works.

That exact survey flow doesn't seem to be working for me, but having the visual is very helpful. I'll play around with the embedded data fields and see if I can get it to work. Thank you so much for your help!

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