Can I delay and hide a question after a specific amount of clicks? | XM Community
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Hey everyone,
I want to add in one block a video that runs the whole time. Two minutes in a hot spot question should appear and 1) I don't know how to make this delay.
2) I want the participants to have five clicks only on the hot regions (10 in total). For now, they are still able to click more than five times and then qualtrics just says you clicked too many times, take away some clicks. I would rather like it if the question just disappears after the five clicks, while the video continues running.
Is there a way to implement these two specification with JAVA? Happy about help as it is my first time using it!

You can achieve the first goal by a timeout function and showing it after 2 minutes since the page is loaded.
For the second goal you cannot count the number of clicks within hotspot region. As the regions are defined within an SVG (scaled vector graphic) and there is no way to programmatically access the information within the SVG with JavaScript.
But the overall page click can be found by Timing Question and used in custom code further to hide a question.
Hope it helps!

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