Can I insert fixed blocks between randomized blocks? | XM Community
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I have 10 surveys that must be presented in random order. To do this, I have a randomizer set to evenly present the 10 surveys. However, I need a a fixed block to be displayed when 25%, 50%, and 75% of the full project is complete, regardless of the random survey order.
There are 12 surveys in total (demographics are always presented first and contact information is always presented last, both outside of the randomizer) so the 25% completion block must be displayed once the first 2 randomized surveys are complete, the 50% block must be displayed after the next 3 surveys are complete, and the 75% block must be displayed following the next 3.
I've attempted to use multiple randomizers but I run into issues with survey repetition (i.e., Section 2 is presented twice) because the 2nd randomizer doesn't refer to the 1st randomizer, and so on.
Is there a way to insert fixed these 3 fixed blocks between the randomized surveys?
Randomizer.JPGincentive messages.JPG

Add an embedded variable counter, set its value to 0 prior to the randomizer.
Add the 3 break questions on each block after a page break. To each add a display logic. 25%: Display only if counter is equal to 2, 50% Display only if counter is equal to 5 etc. You can add the timer question to enfore a break.
Either use JS to update the value of the counter when the block is displayed.
Or put each of the ten blocks in a group with an add embedded data block that uses Math operations to increment the value of the counter by 1.

ahmedA That worked perfectly! Thank you very much for your help.
For future reference (if anyone has similar questions), the survey flow looks like this (repeated for the 10 sections):
Survey_flow_counter.JPGAnd the completion display logic looks like this:
completion_display.JPGThanks again!

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