Can I reverse code some items in a matrix table? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
I've searched the forums and the FAQ, and still feel none the wiser.
I have a matrix table with 15 statements, and scales from 1("strongly agree") to 4 ( ("strongly agree"). For some of the statements, the scale works fine. But for some items, I need to reverse code them, so that 1 is 4 and 2 is 3 etc.
How can I reverse code just some of the statements in the matric table?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

I don't believe there is any built-in way to reverse the codes in a matrix. They would have to be part of a separate matrix or MC question to change the code. for that. That's a real pain. I don't want to have to create a separate matrix. I guess I just have to re-code them manually once I've got the data output/report?

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