Can I send retake survey links in a mass email? | XM Community
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I closed a survey a few months ago with around 700 responses. I'd like to ask respondents to retake the survey to update their responses. I want them to see their previous responses, so I know the retake survey is the way to go. But, is there a way to download the list of retake survey links or resend the email to everyone with their retake links, rather than sending each one individually?

One of the method is: Download the data from the same survey and keep only following data column in the file: first name, last name, email address and response id.
Now using concatenation formula generate all the retake links in new column. General retake link is shown below:
Change the data center id, survey id and response id accordingly.
Upload this excel as new contact list and use this method to distribute the survey link.

Hi Rondev, thank you so much for your recommendation. It worked! I was able to create a list of re-take links to email out.😃

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