Can I use the field editor to determine who answered some survey questions? | XM Community

Can I use the field editor to determine who answered some survey questions?

  • 11 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Badge +1

I thought the bucketing option might work, but it limits to one question at a time. I want to group respondents into two groups. Group 1 = yes if they answered Q1, Q2, Q3. Group 2 = No, they did not answer Q1, Q2, Q3.  (I don’t care about their answers, just that they answered all 3 questions.)

I’m aware of the “finished” variable, but Qualtrics defines “finished” as those that completed all survey questions and click submit. I’m looking to create a new definition of “finished.”

1 reply

Badge +30

You can setup a branch if logic in the survey flow where if someone specifically answered Yes for Q1,2 and 3 then they can be given Group embedded data as Group 1 and vice versa for Group 2. 

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