Can piped text be dynamc? | XM Community
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In the beginning of my questionaire, I ask my respondent whether their customers are private or business. Afterwards, I ask how many different groups of respectively private and professional customers (1,2,3,4 or 5) they segment into, and finally who the customers are (text).
Later, I want to ask the same question regarding all the customer groups and include the name of the customer group in the question. Like:
"Why do [Privatecustomer1] buy your product and not one from a competitor?]
"Why do [Privatecustomer2] buy your product and not one from a competitor?]
"Why do [Businesscustomer1] buy your product and not one from a competitor?]

Obviously, I can make questions for all the scenarios like above and let their representation be dependend on whether the respondent have picked 1,2,3,4 or 5 customer groups.
But normally they only have like 2 private customer groups and 1 business customer group. Thus, is there a way, where I can have a master with the repeating questions, where the piped text is just pulled from the first, second, third etc. answered question (and not each specific question)?
"Why do [customeranswer1] buy your product and not one from a competitor?"
"Why do [customeranswer2] buy your product and not one from a competitor?"

I know this is kind of a messy explanation, but I hope you get the point - otherwise please ask, then I will gladly clarify!

You can use a Loop & Merge block.

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