Can't add dropdown field. | XM Community
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I am having trouble adding dropdown fields to my survey, as it is not in the list of available question types

Hi desiree_44, if I correctly understand what you're looking for, then you'll want to add a Multiple Choice question to your survey. You should then be able to change the Format of your question to a Dropdown.

Hi again!
The only formatting options I have are to change it from radio button te checkbox.

Hopefully your screen looks similar to my screenshot below. The section circled in green is where you would change from radio buttons to checkboxes. The section circled in red is where you should find the option to format as a dropdown.

I am using a screen reader, because I have a disability. Please send me the text on the screen as the screen reader software can't describe images.

Hi desiree_44, sure, no problems! I should first clarify that formatting multiple choice questions as a dropdown list option is only possible when you allow only one answer. Once you’ve configured the Answer Type (i.e. to allow only one answer), move to the Choices options directly below to select the number of choices displayed in the question. Immediately below that is the Format options. These are displayed in a dropdown list with options of “List”, “Dropdown” and “Select box”. Set this to Dropdown and you should have your question now formatted as per your desired setup.
More details can be found by clicking here.
Hope that helps!

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