Can we know the order users answer questions? | XM Community
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Is there a way to adjust the settings in Qualtrics so that it captures the order in which users answer questions? One of the questions my graduate students and I want to answer could be answered if we would simply know the order in which research participants answer the questions we pose. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated!

Can you please elaborate it more? Your requirement is not clear yet.

Yes- we are interested in examining the extent to which survey participants respond to instructions. We intend to ask a question at the end of the survey that asks participants to certify that they have read all of the instructions. Our instructions at the start of the survey are going to instruct participants to read all of the questions before responding and certify that they’ve read instructions prior to answering any questions. We want to be able to see if people check that box at the end of the survey prior to answering any of the questions (among other things). Is there a way to do this? 


As per my understanding you can add an MCQ question saving the participant that if participant has read the instruction. You can unable the force response on that question so that participant has to answer the question to proceed. And if participant select yes in the question you are select the end of the survey 

If you will creat all your questions as force response then participants will not be able to skip the question and will reach to certify question after responding all the previous question.


Else you can apply JS to hide the next button any of the previous question will be blank.


How many questions you have in research survey excluding certify question?

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