Can you allow a survey participant to choose whether to answer a loop? | XM Community
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I'm making a survey that involves a loop of a LARGE number of questions, with the number of loops based off of how many experiences with x the participant has had. As we don't want participants to quit the survey because they get tired after answering all the questions once or twice, we would like to pause at the end of each loop to have a question asking: "Would you like to tell us about another one of your experiences?" If the participant says yes, the loop restarts. If no, they skip going through the loop again and move on to the final block of questions. Is this possible to do?

Hi julmiko ,
I haven't worked with looping and merging a lot, but I think if you've already based the loops off of something else (the # of experiences question in your example), you probably can't change or override it with a different question. It seems like something that wouldn't be too hard to set up in a test environment to verify independently, however.

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