Can you implement an equation with multiple fields to fill into qualtrics survey? | XM Community
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I want to implement a question which would utilise a somewhat complicated equation, which is EMI= P*((r*(1+r)^n)/(1+r)^n-1)), where what we want to know is the EMI, so the monthly installment, r is the interest rate (monthly), n is the number of payments and P is the principal of the loan. P would be set by me and would be the same for all participants. What I would want participants to fill out, would be the number of payments that they want to sign up for. The numbers would be presented in ABCD format, with variable lengths. The length would also have to change the interest rate in this equation. Is it possible to implement this in an easy way? I found some answers about using math in questions, but none seemed to satisfy my needs. I would be very grateful for your answers!

Yes, just store your variables as embedded data with the correct format of number. You could then use a series of IF statements to determine your interest rate. Whether that is easy or not is up to how comfortable you are with the logic and the amount of variability you allow.

Thank you very much MSobotta! I will try it the way you wrote. I am a beginner in Qualtrics, but will try to implement it that way 🙂 Thanks again!

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