Carry forward displayed choices from multiple questions | XM Community
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Hello- Say I have three successive multiple choice questions each with a large number of choices from which a random subset of five are displayed. How can I then create a follow-up question that will show choices consisting of all of the fifteen choices displayed earlier (five each from three questions)?
Carry forward only works with a single question. The documentation suggests manually inputting every potential choice and adding display logic to each, but this is tedious and error-prone with a large number of choices. Is there any other way?

There is a big drawback, but you could use JavaScript to capture the 5 displayed choice labels from each of the three questions as embedded data fields then pipe them into the 15 choice question (Q4). The drawback is you would have to decode the Q4 answers (do a lookup to determine what choices the answers apply to). TomG. Do you mean create Q4 with 15 choices that all have placeholder text and then change the text using JavaScript when the question loads? If that's the case, I'm not sure how to change the text. Would you have a snippet? Or did you mean something else?, I meant that the 15 choice labels in Q4 would be be piped (e.g., ${e://Field/Q4choice1}).
You would define the 15 embedded data fields in the survey flow, then set their values (e.g. Q4choice1) with JS in the three questions where you randomly display 5 choices. it- have it working now. Thanks again!

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