Carry forward multiple answers to multiple answers? | XM Community
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I set up a carry forward question from a multiple choice, where they can select multiple answers. When the respondent selections are pulled in to the carry forward question, the question then asks to select from the following using allow multiple answers. It doesn't appear as if I could set it up to allow multiple answers this. Is that possible to select multiple from carry forward?

What do you mean it doesn't appear?

I mean it seems like I can't (it doesn't appear as if I can) set up to allow the respondent to select multiple answers on the carry forward question. Is that possible?

I don't know what a carry forward question is.
In carry forward choices, you can configure the destination question like any other, with a few exceptions, but multiple select isn't one of them.

I just set up a carry forward question with "Allow multiple answers" option without any problem. You should have that option on your question as well.

Thank you, both.

Yes, I can set to multiple answers for the carry forward question, but for the carry forward choices, it seems as if I can't. ahmed@ confirms that I can't :(

I don't agree with that since I did just that in the survey I'm currently rolling out, and I am able to select multiple carry forward choices in my multi-select question.'m sorry I should have worded that properly, I meant. Multiple choices isn't an exception, so you should have no problem doing that.
Maybe provide a detailed example of what you are aiming for.

I changed the answer question (that it carried to) to multiple choice - it was as simple as that!
Thank you.

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