carry forward with reusable choices? | XM Community
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I have a long list of answers for a multiple choice question and needed special values for all of them, so I used re-usable choices. Respondents have to choose from this long list (~40 choices) and I want to carry forward answers to a follow-up question (Q1: Which of these meet criteria 1? Q2: Of those, which meet criteria 2?) When I try to set up Q2 with "carry forward choices," Q1 doesn't appear on the list of questions I can do this with. I assume it's because of the way Qualtrics stores reusable choices.
Ultimately, I need the recode values to be in my data, so I don't think I can use a matrix table with the choices as statements and the criteria as scale points.
Any ideas that don't involve using JavaScript?

sherriffs_sb One option would be to use display logic for each choice. Q2 would be set up with all the same choices as Q1. You would then go into each answer choice in Q2, select display logic, and set the choice to only appear if that choice was selected in Q1

Thanks jmborzick. I realized I could be sneaky and do it with less work by setting up the question as a matrix table with my choices as scale points and the criteria as statements and then transposing the table.

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