Carrying forward selections to a follow up question | XM Community
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I am building a survey where people first identify the relevance of a construct and then in the next question they rate how relevant the items are, but I can't get the follow up question to only produce constructs previously identified as relevant. It just produces the full list. How do I get this to work?

Philco1 can you give a screen shot of what you have set up so we can trouble shoot for you?

Hi Philco1, what method are you using for the follow ups? Meaning: Is it a matrix, or a multiple choice that you would be repeating for each selection?
For a matrix question (not the most mobile-friendly approach, granted), it's just a matter of selecting "Carry forward choices" and indicating the selected ones:
image.pngBut it sounds like from what you're describing, maybe you are trying to do a single question follow up, one per selection? Two ways to accomplish this: One way is a loop and merge, which is easy for the programmer, but a little messier in the results (at least at present); the other way is a bit longer to program but currently a bit neater in the reporting modules. So here they both are:
Fast to program: Loop & Merge
Put your first question on one block. Then put a single follow up question in a second block. Turn on Loop & Merge for that second block, and set it to loop based on Selected choices. Then in the question, instead of piping in from the QUESTION (or you will get all the answers in a list, as described) -- pipe in from the LOOP & MERGE selection:
image.pngThat leaves you with this arrangement:
image.pngOf course, this does mean that in the results, the labels are going to be a bit ugly with the Field1 business in it. If you export the results, you can clean all that up, but if you're reporting within Qualtrics it's a bit ugly at present. (They're working on it).
So the slower way to do the same thing, but with a bit cleaner look in the results (currently) is: DISPLAY LOGIC.
Basically in that case, you would create a separate question for each of the possible selections (no piping, or again it will just pipe in ALL the selections they chose), and then use display logic to determine whether the respondent sees each question. Tedious to program, vs Loop and Merge, of course.
But all together, that is three ways to accomplish follow ups.

Thankfully I sorted it. I had included the list AND the 'carry statements forward' option so it was producing all options. Removed the list of statements and included ONLY the 'carry statements forward' option to resolve the problem

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