Categorize responses in report | XM Community
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Hi all!
I have a survey where we ask folks to tell us their job title from a single-select list of 8 options. Based on their response to this questions, we later categorize them into either "Type X" or "Type Y." What we'd like to do is have Qualtrics auto-categorize them into the appropriate type (perhaps within a hidden variable?). Then, we'd like to be able to display this hidden variable in a report (either in the results or reports tab).
I've tried to do this by creating a quota, then created a hidden question based on the quota, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to populate with test data. Any ideas or workarounds appreciated.
Thank you!

You can do this either through Survey Flow - by including Branching logic and assigning an Embedded Data field variable value - or create a new Bucket field in Data & Analysis. My personal preference is Survey Flow.

I would try using branching logic and embedded data in your Survey Flow. After the block where respondents answer the "what is your job title?" question, add a branch that displays if job title is A, B, or C. Within that branch, add an embedded data field. Call the field something like "job group" and set it equal to whatever you want. When making your embedded data, be sure to click on the "Options" and change the embedded data type to "Text Set." That will basically make Qualtrics treat that embedded data field as categorical - so in your reports, you'll be able to automatically get graphs and a count of the number of people who fell into that group.
Duplicate that branch and change the display logic and embedded data value for as many groups as you want to create. Make sure every instance of your embedded data is set to "Text Set."

Thank you both! This worked for me!

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