Change piped text | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics Experts,

I want to use piped text to refer back to a previous answer given by a respondent, the only difference is I want to change the values of the piped text: ${q://QID16/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} which can be "Low", "Medium" or "High", and I want to change them in "Answer 1", "Answer 2", "Answer 3" (in the same order) in this question. Is there a way to do this? I tried to recode the answers, but this causes the answers to be recoded everywhere in the survey.

With kind regards,


You can try setting a new embedded data field based on their answers to that question. Go into your Survey Flow and add some branching logic that will be triggered if the respondent selects "Low" on your question. In that branch, add a new embedded data field - call it whatever you want and set a value for it, equal to "Answer 1." You can click on "Options" when adding the embedded data to change the type of embedded data it is - Text Set might be a nice option for you here.
Repeat that process, adding branches that will be triggered for "Medium" and "High" and setting your new embedded data field in each branch.
Make sure your branches come after the original question where your respondents selected their answer, and before the question where you want to use the piped text. And make sure when you're creating your embedded data, you're using the same name and type in each case - only vary the value that the field is set to.
Then when you need to, you can pipe text from your new embedded data field!

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