Hello @lamori,
You can do it with the help of Java Scripts.
Yes, that is what I assumed, but I dont know how. Can you provide a JS code or idea?
Hi @lamori,
You can use the Custom CSS feature for this. Can you provide a visual example of what you need?
Hi @dduarte,
Thank you! I would like to change the color of the blue point in the heatmap here:
Yet, the primary color in all other questions shall remain in blue.
Hi @lamori,
I’ve never used this type of question myself, however, based on playing around with the example you provided, maybe this code snippet can help you get what you need:
div#QID3 .heatmap-circle heatmap-point ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle entered open static {
background-color: #xxxxxx; #set to the color you need
I’ve attached an image with the elements that my browser detected should be the ones to select for applying this changes.
Hi @dduarte,
Thank you! I am new to Qualtrics and I am not sure how to exactly enter the code in JS for this particular question.
I tried the following, but it did not work...
div#QID3 .heatmap-circle heatmap-point ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle entered open static {
background-color: #FFEA00;
Hi @lamori,
You need to paste it on the Custom CSS field under the Look & Feel options.
Hi @dduarte,
Unfortunately, it does not change the color of the point in the heatmap. Do you have another idea how this could be changed?
Hi @lamori,
Unfortunately no, I’d suggest you keep playing around with the html elements and the CSS custom code.
Is there anyone in your org with html or CSS design knowledge that can help you with?