Changing text of "not applicable" box in slider question | XM Community
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Hi there,
I have a slider question in which I want to add the "not applicable" option. While I get the "not applicable" box to show up in the question, when I try to change the text from "Not applicable" to something else (e.g. "Don't know"), the preview still shows the text as being "Not applicable". Does anyone know how to change the text that appears in the "not applicable" box?
Here is the example of the slider, in which I have change the text from "Not applicable" to "No answer":
Screen Shot 2022-11-22 at 5.14.52 PM.pngBut here is what the preview looks like, still saying "Not applicable":
Screen Shot 2022-11-22 at 5.16.15 PM.pngThank you in advance for your help!

You can use the below code in JS to update the name;
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
var n= jQuery('.n-a-container>label.answer').length;

for(i=0; i < n; i++) {

 jQuery('.n-a-container>label.answer'))i].innerText='No Answer';



Hope it helps!

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