Choice is removed after first pick | XM Community
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Hello - My team and I are creating a survey where it asks participants to review topics A, B, C, and D. They can review no less than one and all the way up to all four. What I would like to do is, regardless of order reviewed, any review that is already done is removed as an option the next time around.
For example, if someone reviews A, when the survey asks them if they have more to review and they say yes, A is eliminated from the options (leaving only B, C, & D). Is this possible? Thank you in advance.

Yes, this can be done in a multiple ways. The easiest would be to you display logic on the responses. You would want to have a counter to track how many topics they have left. This would allow you to not ask if they had one left.

Thanks MSobotta. I didn't realize that there was a counter feature. I'll look into that. I feel comfortable with display logic, but I could always learn more. isn't necessarily a counter feature you use embedded data and Math Operations.

Good to know! I am looking into that feature now. I appreciate the extra information.

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