Color testing a product | XM Community
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My client would like to color test a product where we have a B&W line drawing of the product and the respondent can pick colors from a given pallet. The ideal solution would be drag and drop, so that the respondent can "play" with colors to develop their ideal color scheme. The final product could be all 1 color or multiple colors depending on their taste.
Is this possible with Qualtrics? If not, does anyone know of another solution that could perhaps be integrated into Qualtrics? Thanks in advance!

It's possible. This is a demo for a colour picker that I created for a client. It deals with charts and sliders, but the idea will be the same.

ahmedA thanks for your reply. I reviewed the demo, but I don't think this is what we're looking for. We need to be able to color a drawing of a product. Perhaps I misunderstood your demo. If so, please clarify. I'm also open to using other tools if it isn't possible with Qualtrics.

Sorry. You didn't misunderstand the demo. The link was wrong. Please see this one.

ahmedA This link seemed to take me to the same survey.

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