Hi @AmeliaKM, you can achieve this by using the "Branch" element in the survey flow.
1. Create a New Survey: Start by creating a new survey in Qualtrics, let's call it "Combined Survey."
2. Copy Section from Survey A: Open Survey A and locate the section you want to copy into the Combined Survey. Copy the blocks or questions that you want to include.
3. Paste into Combined Survey: Go back to the Combined Survey and paste the copied section from Survey A into the desired location in the survey flow.
4. Create Branch for Randomization: Add a new branch element in the survey flow. This branch will control the randomization between Survey A and Survey B sections.
5. Set Up Randomization: In the branch element, create two branches: one for Survey A and one for Survey B. Use embedded data or randomization features to randomly assign participants to either branch.
6. Link to Sections: For each branch, set up conditions to direct participants to the appropriate section copied from Survey A or Survey B.
7. Test the Survey Flow: Preview the survey to ensure that participants are randomly assigned to either Survey A or Survey B sections.
By following these steps, you can combine specific sections from different surveys into one survey and randomly assign participants to experience either set of questions. This approach saves time by avoiding manual reconstruction of survey flow logic.
Thanks for your reply! Steps 2 and 3 are the parts I’m having difficulty with – how do you copy a section of the survey flow (complete with branching) and paste it into another survey?