Compare an entered Date against a future date | XM Community
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We're setting up a form to collect information from students to build event programs. The students need to submit their information at least 14 days before their event.
I want to include a date question to open the survey "Event Date". Then I'd like qualtrics to compare the entered date against the future date 14 days from today. Then Branch the survey if the entered date is less than 14 days from today to end the survey without letting them continue.
I set up a survey question Called Event date with date validation, then I used embedded data ${date://OtherDate/m%2Fd%2FY/+14 day} to retrieve a date 14 days from the day the survey is being filled out, and named it 14Days, but from there I'm stuck. It seems like it should be easy enough to set up a logic statement, branch if the entered event Date is less than 14Days, but I'm not having any luck getting it to work. It doesn't seem that I can compare a question answer against embedded data in the branch logic. Is there a way to accomplish this that I'm missing?
For what it's worth, I used Piped text in a text field to confirm that ${date://OtherDate/m%2Fd%2FY/+14 day} is indeed pulling the date that is 14 days from today, so at least that much is working.

I discovered a fix. I was attempting to use the Enter a Date from a Calendar widget in the Qualtrics library. If I use a regular text field with date format validation, the above branch logic works.

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