Comparing responses between different audience populations of the same survey | XM Community
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I'm building a survey for customers of several medical practices. I want to report the survey responses for a single practice back to them and also be able to compare their results to the results of other practices using the same survey.
How do I do this?
Thanks, Michael.

Qualtrics doesn't have reporting of this kind. However, a custom solution can be built, either using the API or an external data storage.

Thanks Ahmed for getting back quickly.
How would I go about exploring the API or external options?
Regards, Michael.

You could look at for retrieving responses or see my comments for some answers that are related to storing answers externally. If you'd something built, drop me a message.

In CX dashboards, it's possible to enable 'rollup' access for roles, and show a higher level score. For example, for a country-level access role, I am showing the region and global scores next to it by setting locked filters on those widgets. It's not possible to show all others in detail outside of their level of access, only the rollups above their level.

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