Complex Matrix Question Text Validation | XM Community
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Hi all,
I have set up quite a complex matrix question validation for an academic survey.
Essentially, the question has a lot of statements, and I wanted the survey taker to be able to leave the last statement totally blank (it is an "other" box). This has been successful with a lot of persistence.
The issue I am facing now, is that this statement has a text box associated with it that I only want to be required in certain situations.
Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 12.41.47 pm.pngIf the survey taker does not select any scale item for Other, they are able to continue with the survey without issue thanks to the validation. If they select any other option, the text requirement kicks in.
What I am hoping to do, is to allow them to pass via the text validation ONLY if they either leave this entire row blank, OR if they select the first option which is "none". I know some people are likely to still click this box even if they don't want to offer an "other".
I've been fiddling with the validation "if blank" and "if not blank" options for ages and have gotten nowhere.
Any help would be appreciated!

I was able to figure it out after a LOT of playing. What I had to do was:

Add three new logic sets underneath the ones I had already created:

#1 AND if [Other (Please Specify)] is empty... AND [None of them] is selected
#2 OR if [Other (Please Specify)] is not empty... AND [A few of them] is selected (then combined each likert option in this way with OR)
#3 OR if [Any of the likert options] is not selected (each combined with AND)

This may not make sense to anybody but me but if anyone else has this same issue feel free to get in touch as I frustratingly spent hours trying to make this work.

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