Connection to IVR and Qualtrics Survey | XM Community
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Did anyone have experience to store the IVR survey data of the CX survey to Qualtrics. Any guidance on how the data will be passed from IVR to capture at our end in Qualtrics.

There is an integration available of IVR with Qualtrics the below image depicts the process.
image.pngThe entire process is as above. You can see more here(IVR Technology Group Integration | Qualtrics) & here (Voice Surveys on The Qualtrics Platform with IVR Technology Group (
The data stored is as same as native survey responses only the open-ended question response is transcribed.
You can see an example below:
image.pngIf you would like to go ahead and learn more you can contact your Account Executive and IVR team would be happy to have a call with you and make you understand the entire process.
Hope this helps!

Thanks Deepak for the above details. Yes, complete end-to end process can be implemented after setting up call with IVR team.

Deepak, I have one more question. Can you please look into it and suggest.
1) Does the package results from IVR are stored in SFTP or somewhere either in JSON or XML format so that we need to fetch and read the file and get the results into our Qualtrics survey.
2) Is it IVR team directly insert the responses into Qualtrics survey using API URL's provided by us.

The IVR team builds an integration with your call-center software. Once that is done it would be on the basis of your need. As far as I am aware of no copies are stored on the IVR team end, they directly export it to Qualtrics via API integration built out.

  1. You would not need to fetch it will come through for all calls as responses in Data

  2. Yes they do via the integration the IVR team builds with your instance.

Hope this helps!

Hi all,
I am looking for options in connecting a Qualtrics to an existing IVR solution ( Avaya Aura).
Without having to go to Qualtrics for a native, bespoke integration, os there a way that I can use existing API for provinding this?
E.g. I would use a GET survey question to get Avaya to retrieve and read the question from Qualtrics, while Posting responses back to Qualtrics?

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