Constant Sum Question: One (of 4) Statements be greater than zero? | XM Community
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Hello! I am trying to ask a constant sum question where respondents must enter a breakdown of their budget. I have four different "statements" in the constant sum question and clients can enter values into each. One of these statements MUST be greater than zero. Is this possible?

Use custom validation with something like this:
stmt1 is greater than 0
OR stmt2 is greater than 0
OR stmt3 is greater than 0
OR stmt4 is greater than 0

Thanks, TomG! I already have a validation that the Total Sum must equal the Total Sum from a different question (Must Total ${q://QID21/TotalSum}). Is it possible to do both of these things on the same question?

Yes, it is a little tricky. You can do a custom validation rule something like:
If stmt1 equal to $e{ q://QID21/TotalSum - q://QIDx/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/2 - q://QIDx/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/3 - q://QIDx/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/4 }
AND (logic set)
stmt1 is greater than 0
OR stmt2 is greater than 0
OR stmt3 is greater than 0
OR stmt4 is greater than 0
where QIDx is the QID of your constant sum.

Just wanted to circle back to let you know this custom validation rule totally worked! Thanks so much for your help, TomG!

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